I've been thinking greatly about my life. Lately I've kind of fell off track but it happens. It can't always be smoothe sailing. Your gonna hit the occasional rock or bump or maybe even an iceberg. shit happens. I'm in the process right now of getting my life back on track and making myself happy. I've been way to ivolved with other people and focusing on things that are not important. It has put me in a place I never want to be. So, from now on I will be focusing mostly on work. I also plan on learning how to play guitar. I just went and put a hot pink acoustic on layaway. Another thing I will be focusing on is getting my body into the best shape it has ever been. I need to work on myself. I need to make myself happy befor I can even think about anyone else. I know there will be struggles but I know I can overcome them. I am a strong person and I can do anything I put my mind to.
Throughout life all I have ever wanted was to find someone to love and love me in return. I've been focusing all my energy on finding this person and putting way to much energy into things that I should just walk away from. Why? So, I don't end up alone? The truth is i know there is going to be someone in my life that I meet along this journey. I don't know when and I definately don't know how. Maybe I already met him. All I know is now is not the time for me to worry about that anymore. It causes way to much stress and unwanted drama in my life. Don't get me wrong. I will still wish everyday that Mr. Right walks into my life but until then i'm not going to worry about it too much or atleast try. I'm done dealing with married men, psychos, or emotionaly unavailable people. I know when Mr. Right walks into my life I will know it or better yet when I am ready for him to walk into my life he will. I am really sad seeing happy couples or the married guy with his wife and talking about hearing his babies heartbeat for the first time and how happy that makes him but i know my time will come. Plus, with the married guy, karma will come back to bite him in the ass. I know it might come back towards me. I really hope it doesn't because I was really stupid and I realize this. I just can't help when my heart falls for someone. It's like no rules apply or nothing else matters. I am changing my ways though. I just want to be happy and have my life in order. I'm sick of the chaos that it's in right now. I plan on going into hermit mode for awhile and dropping off the face of the earth from the people that know me. I need to do it for myself. I need to regroup and reprioritize my life or it will get way to out of control. I'm an adult now and any of the decisions I make are my own and the mistakes I make. I will have to deal with the repercussions alone as well. I know I can do this and I'm going to work my ass at it everyday. Time to grow up a little more because I've had enough immature fun to last me awhile. Wish me luck =D
About Me

- xx-tiarenae
- I'm a very outgoing nice and caring person. I'm very random and love to hang out with my family and friends.
Blog Archive
- ~Tell me I can't and I will show you I can~
- The sweet escape is always laced with a familiar t...
- much too much
- branded a fool...
- craziness
- The greatest day Ive had in a long time
- Oh, life. What an akward phase
- The day that changed everything..
- The Pursuit of Happiness.
- i'm an idiot
- His blue eyes. They get me everytime...
Monday, February 28, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The sweet escape is always laced with a familiar taste of poison..
When I seen him walking towards me. I could tell something was wrong. He didn't have that usual sparkle in his big blue eyes. He told me she found out and that he had to get his act together or he would lose everything. I understood him completely. What we were doing was wrong and it was hurting me too. So, we went for our usual cigarette. He also told me that he was put in the hospital on suicide watch. A tear came to my eye but I quickly blamed it on the cold wind that also felt like it was ripping right through me. I felt horrible. I just wanted to reach out and hold him. I told him I was there for him if he needed someone to talk because he looked like he was hurting something awful. As we walked back inside we said our goodbyes. When he said he'd see me just for the occasional smoke break with our friends. As I said goodbye and gave him a gentle wave. I felt my heart break and rise into my throat. I didn't understand this feeling. I'd only known him a month. Why did it feel like everything had gotten taken away from me. I felt the same as I had 2 years ago when Isaac broke up with me. but he was a boyfriend of 5 years. So, the pain was understandable then. Why was I feeling this much. Too much. I went into the backroom turned on the song a table away and was quickly taken over by my emotions. Tears flooded my eyes. I sat on the floor and just cried. It was horrible. I realize I really like this guy. More than like. I think I love him. I'm a zombie right now and I don't know what to do because I can't really do anything. I can't just be his friend. It would hurt even more. Why does love have to be so cruel? I already miss him. His soft lips and kind eyes. I can't imagine my life without it. This just sickens me. There better be a damn good reason why this is happening or I will never love again. Fuck love...
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
much too much
"in over my head"
Im watching you watching me
I know what you want
but I cant believe
im doint this to myself
letting it get this far
but you taste so good
in the backseat of my car
Im feeling you pressed up against me
running your hand up my back
just tell me what you want baby
I cant stop this I dont wanna stop this
Take me over, take control
Dont waste time, befor she knows
we dont have long, befor she calls
sneak back hom. crawl in bed
We're in over our head
Im in over my head
The rush I feel when I steal you away
addicted to youre touch
i just cant get enough
obsessed, yes
Thinking of when I can get you alone
She cant love you the way I can
you beg for more
i let you in
you fill me up
over and over and over again
I win
"nobody can know"
She has everything that i need
she holds my world in her hands
sometimes its hard to breathe
you can never be my man
when she pulls you close
and kisses yoru lips
my heart it breaks
because it's that I miss
you say be patient, youll come back again
I count the hours that turn
to days
wondering when I can hold you again
i know what we're doing is wrong
the lies we make her believe
hiding what we really are
because no on is allowed to see
The way we kiss, the way we touch
when you tell me Im the only one
When we laugh, you hold me close
Whisper exactly what I need to hear
but nobody can know. oh baby
They can never know.
Im watching you watching me
I know what you want
but I cant believe
im doint this to myself
letting it get this far
but you taste so good
in the backseat of my car
Im feeling you pressed up against me
running your hand up my back
just tell me what you want baby
I cant stop this I dont wanna stop this
Take me over, take control
Dont waste time, befor she knows
we dont have long, befor she calls
sneak back hom. crawl in bed
We're in over our head
Im in over my head
The rush I feel when I steal you away
addicted to youre touch
i just cant get enough
obsessed, yes
Thinking of when I can get you alone
She cant love you the way I can
you beg for more
i let you in
you fill me up
over and over and over again
I win
"nobody can know"
She has everything that i need
she holds my world in her hands
sometimes its hard to breathe
you can never be my man
when she pulls you close
and kisses yoru lips
my heart it breaks
because it's that I miss
you say be patient, youll come back again
I count the hours that turn
to days
wondering when I can hold you again
i know what we're doing is wrong
the lies we make her believe
hiding what we really are
because no on is allowed to see
The way we kiss, the way we touch
when you tell me Im the only one
When we laugh, you hold me close
Whisper exactly what I need to hear
but nobody can know. oh baby
They can never know.
branded a fool...
I'm not doing so well today. I ended up getting a little tipsy after work last night with my 2 guy friends and 1 girlfriend that I work with at the mall. I ended up sleeping with the married man. Again. It was amazing. Probably the best sex I have ever had but I actually feel like shit about it today. It made me want him that much more and plus he left hickeys all over me. Great. Now my kinda boyfriend my ex isaac will be pissed if he sees them. I feel like a horrible person. His wife doesn't know and my significant other have no idea. What are we doing to them? Why is the married guy comming to me. WHY did he have to make me fall head over heals in love with him. I'm just angry, sad, confused, and a whole clusterfuck of emotions I can't even explain. Why did I have to set myself up for this? Why was I so damn stupid? Now all I can think about is him. I just want to be close and feel his strong arms around me. I will never have that though because he will never leave his wife and I'm just some girl that's satisfying his sexual appetite. I lost a lot of respect for myself. Not to mention, we didn't use a condom last night. How stupid. GAH!! I'm just upset and I want to cry my eyes out. I know everything happens for a reason but I'm still trying to figure out the reason for this whole incident. Until then adios....
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Last night was the first time I went to the bars. Can you say success? haha I got pretty hammered. I jumped up on stage with the metallica cover band. Rocked my face off and air guitared the shit out of the songs. I'm mother fucking awesome. I am so god damn sore from head banging last night and super sick but it was completely worth it. I think I might take a break from drinking for awhile though. I've been hitting the bottle hard since I turned 21 and I think my body needs a break. In other news. I have had an awesome couple of days. Life is pretty good right now. :) that's all.
Friday, February 18, 2011
The greatest day Ive had in a long time
I got promoted, 50 dollar tip, wowed my district manager, finally got a day off, and blake. IM IN LOVE WITH HIM! I WILL SHOUT IT TO THE WORLD!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Oh, life. What an akward phase
I'm sitting here at work bored out of my mind. I am not a very happy camper today. I have been busting my ass working 11-12 hourse everyday. My boss was "supposed" have new workers this week so I don't have to be bleach brights slave. Did he? NO! Of course he didn't. He is the biggest procrastinator I know. Well, besides my best friend Gabe. Nonetheless I am getting extremely sick of this nonsense. I am contiplating walking into the middle of the mall, screaming at the top of my lungs, and then running full speed into the cement wall. Oh yes, it's that bad. The only thing I have to look forward to for today is my guy friends comming to grab me for the occasional smoke break. RIDICULOUS! I do enjoy their company and they make my day a hell of a lot better but this not having a life outside of work is making me want to punch babies. Now that I got that little bit off my chest it's time to tell you about my "akward life phase."
Soooooo, Everything is going pretty well in my life right now. I have a job that I make great money at, my own place, wonderful friends, and I'm newly 21. The only thing is everything feels hollow. I don't mean to sound emo or anything. It's just like I'm not completely ok. I don't know if it's because I'm not in college anymore or if I'm just way too stressed but it's making me worry. Sometimes I get this feeling that life is passing me by and I'm not truly enjoying it. What is the purpose of life anyhow? I don't even know. I feel like something is missing from my life. I feel like there is just no purpose most days. I'm not depressed either. I'm one of the happiest people ever. I just feel like I've come to a crossroads and I dont know which way I should take. Also, this whole "never seeing my family thing" hurts. I feel like they forgot about me. They are completely content with out seeing me for months at a time. When all I do is miss the comfort of home. I've also been thinking how wierd it is to be an adult and not having your parents to take care of you. It's just..strange. I have been on my own now since I was 17. So, i am pretty much used to it but i find it odd that I am a ncompletely functioning adult. I never thought I would be able to do it. Especially alone. Which brings me to my next issue. I feel so alone here. I have my best friend of 15 years but our schedules are so conflicting. I don't have a roommate anymore or a boyfriend. I do EVERYTHING alone. I like it most of the time but sometimes it's like seriously? Why can't I have a somebody, anybody. Urgh.
Like I've stated in previous blogs. I'm in extreme like with a married man. I tried to get away but everytime I see him I forget why I didn't want to be involved with him in the first place. He just makes me so happy. All he has to do is say hi or come and grab me for a smoke and there I go falling again. I fall for the wrong people. Always. Can I please just slip away into my dreamland and never come back. Atleast there anything is possible and I can create anytype of situation to go however I want it to. I need some really good sleeping pills. Hey! Maybe that's what I will do. Just try to sleep the rest of my life in a state of unconciousness and dream my life the way I want it to go. Frick yeah, sounds like a plan.
Soooooo, Everything is going pretty well in my life right now. I have a job that I make great money at, my own place, wonderful friends, and I'm newly 21. The only thing is everything feels hollow. I don't mean to sound emo or anything. It's just like I'm not completely ok. I don't know if it's because I'm not in college anymore or if I'm just way too stressed but it's making me worry. Sometimes I get this feeling that life is passing me by and I'm not truly enjoying it. What is the purpose of life anyhow? I don't even know. I feel like something is missing from my life. I feel like there is just no purpose most days. I'm not depressed either. I'm one of the happiest people ever. I just feel like I've come to a crossroads and I dont know which way I should take. Also, this whole "never seeing my family thing" hurts. I feel like they forgot about me. They are completely content with out seeing me for months at a time. When all I do is miss the comfort of home. I've also been thinking how wierd it is to be an adult and not having your parents to take care of you. It's just..strange. I have been on my own now since I was 17. So, i am pretty much used to it but i find it odd that I am a ncompletely functioning adult. I never thought I would be able to do it. Especially alone. Which brings me to my next issue. I feel so alone here. I have my best friend of 15 years but our schedules are so conflicting. I don't have a roommate anymore or a boyfriend. I do EVERYTHING alone. I like it most of the time but sometimes it's like seriously? Why can't I have a somebody, anybody. Urgh.
Like I've stated in previous blogs. I'm in extreme like with a married man. I tried to get away but everytime I see him I forget why I didn't want to be involved with him in the first place. He just makes me so happy. All he has to do is say hi or come and grab me for a smoke and there I go falling again. I fall for the wrong people. Always. Can I please just slip away into my dreamland and never come back. Atleast there anything is possible and I can create anytype of situation to go however I want it to. I need some really good sleeping pills. Hey! Maybe that's what I will do. Just try to sleep the rest of my life in a state of unconciousness and dream my life the way I want it to go. Frick yeah, sounds like a plan.
Friday, February 11, 2011
The day that changed everything..
The day that changed everything...(about my grandma) please read and tell me what you think of it so far!
by Tia Sandy on Thursday, February 3, 2011 at 2:00am
I remember it like it was happening today. The memories I will never be able to erase from my mind. I play it over and over, maybe for some kind of closure. I don't know. I remember the sad voice on the phone that made my heart feel like it was shattering. My thoughts racing faster that I could even think. Numb, but somehow feeling everything. Thinking about you and getting to you before you left me forever. I remember pleading with God, begging him not to take you. Was I going to be too late? I didn't know. I filled my head with false hope. Telling myself it would be okay. That you would be okay. That's the only way I could make it to you on time. Lying to myself. When I knew deep down that nothing was going to be okay. Everything was a blur. Nothing felt real. I wanted to wake up from this nightmare. Those bright lights and the cold hard floors. This can't be happening. I didn't want to walk into that room where you lay. Where everyone sat waiting to say there goodbyes. "No! I won't say goodbye." I thought. If I were to say goodbye than this is real. It can't be real. I won't make it real. I stood outside that door what felt like an eternity. I didn't know if I had the strength. I wasn't even sure I could remember how to move. With two shallow breaths I cautiously stepped into that room. The room that would be branded to my memory for as long as I would live. Eyes wide with horror. I seen you, but it wasn't you. It was a ghost of you. So wore out, broken down. How could this be you? Seeing you like this ruined me forever. You were so strong. So invincible. How could this happen so fast? So many questions but no answers. The peoples faces around your bed focused so intently on me now. Looking for comfort, for some sort of relief. Why do I feel like I have to be the strong one? When It feels like my joints are slowly unhinging and I feel like my mind is in complete chaos. Am I alive? I can't hear my heartbeat anymore. I moved so quickly away from that horrible seen and before I could grasp what I was doing or anything. I was outside that tomb cradled in my dads arms. Losing it. "I'm going crazy." I kept thinking. "No, no, This isn't happening. Pull yourself together. They need you! Be strong!" I refused to let myself feel. I cut off my emotions right in that moment or I would've went insane. In an instant I was back. Snapped hard into reality. I was able to pull myself back together or whatever was left of me. As my step-mom told me the news and that you were fading faster with each shallow breath. I knew I couldn't leave your side. I would hold onto you as long as they would let me. You needed me. I needed you. There wasn't a force on this earth that could pull me from your side.
<span> </span>Distant family came to make there peace and The preacher, to make sure everyone was okay. People came and people went. I payed no attention to them. I was focused on you and Grandpa. Watching Grandpa sit next to you, hold your hand, and think silently to himself. It broke my heart every time I looked into his deep chocolate eyes. I could see the pain. I could feel it run through every inch of my being. I couldn't bare the thought of Grandpa without you. He would be lost. We all were going to be. It wasn't until now that I realized how much you did for our family, for me. You were the rock. We all depended on you in some way. What were we going to do now? Slowly, almost everyone was filtered out of the room. It was you, me, auntie Cheryl, Leslie, and Lynn. We all sat there waiting. What a cruel game to play. Waiting for the end. I was emotionally as well as physically exhausted but I couldn't sleep. Sleep would not bring me comfort. I sat quietly by your bed gently stroking your hand and humming to myself. The hours seemed to go by too quickly now. It was 6 a.m. I hadn't slept in over 24 hours. I was so weak and so out of it but I refused to sleep. I didn't leave your side all night and I wouldn't. Your hand never left mine. I talked to you and told you how much I loved you while everyone had fallen into a dreamless sleep. There was a constant stream of tears falling from my eyes. Like daggers slowly ripping me from the inside out. I had the blanket you had given me when I was little. Still covered in kaly's hair and smelling of your old house. The one thing that had brought me comfort when you were miles away from me. I wrapped it around my body and sunk into my chair. You're hand firmly in mine, never letting go. I drifted off to sleep. In my dreams there was a castle and I was trapped in the dungeon. Searching for a way out. There was no windows, no doors, and no hope. I sat in this dungeon looking for a glimmer of hope. There was none. I was trapped like some sort of animal. I started yelling. Crying out for someone. For help. I remember pacing around that cold dark room. Giving in to th thought I would be stuck there forever. When suddenly a bright light appeared in the corner. So beautiful and warming me to my core. Finally a way out. I was abrubtly awakened by my aunt Leslie. Tears in her eyes telling me that you were slipping. I looked down at your hand in mine and held on tighter. I looked at your face, then your mouth watching as the last breath escaped. The hold you had on me was gone. You were gone. I was all alone in my mind. I felt my heart beating rapidly in my chest. Painful. My body went limp and my face fell on your chest. I wished so hard that I could somehow pull you back to me. My body shaking, my heart breaking, and my world ripped out from under me. Everyone in that grey room holding onto you. Talking to you. Crying a river of tears that would drown us all. I let go of your hand. Gave you a gentle kiss on the for head. I remember saying " I will seee you soon, I love you." I would never say goodbye. Goodbye's are forever and I knew I would see you again. I walked out of that room like a zombie. My Phone clenched tightly in my hand. I had to make the call this time. Walking down the hospital hallway I see the faces of people who had no Idea. Smiling and hugging there families. They had no idea I was in my own personal hell. As I made it outside for some fresh air. Soaking in the the sun and the smell of the almost spring. Everything seemed so insignificant to me now. I wanted so badly to run. Run far away into the woods as I had done when I was a child. I didn't run. I sat down on the cement unable to move. I lifed up my phone and dialed the number. I don't remember what I said to my step-mom. I don't remember even speaking but she knew you had left us. I made a few other calls but to this day I don't remember who I even talked to.
<span> </span>I couldn't stay at the hospital anymore. I had to leave. I got into my vehicle and started the hour drive back home. I put in a CD that I thought would help take my mind off of things. Then the song Dear God came on. I listened to it and broke down into a million pieces. My vision was blurred by the onset of tears gushing like a flash flood from the blue eyes I got from you. Pulling over. I sat there screaming at God. Screaming at everything. Hating everything. I was filled with so many different emotions. I felt like I was going to explode.
I'm not finished with this yet. It's still a work in progress. This is the day my Grandma passed away. I'm hoping writing all this down will help me through life with out her. It's still hard everyday and I still think about her all the time. She impacted my life greatly and I was very close with her and my Grandpa. I've learned a lot from this happening. Always tell the people you care about that you love them. Do not waste time holding grudges or being mad at the people you care about. Forgive easily because in one moment they can be taken from you. you will never get the time back that you lost. Cherish every moment spent with your loved ones and don't take anything for granted. Life is too short.
<span> </span>Distant family came to make there peace and The preacher, to make sure everyone was okay. People came and people went. I payed no attention to them. I was focused on you and Grandpa. Watching Grandpa sit next to you, hold your hand, and think silently to himself. It broke my heart every time I looked into his deep chocolate eyes. I could see the pain. I could feel it run through every inch of my being. I couldn't bare the thought of Grandpa without you. He would be lost. We all were going to be. It wasn't until now that I realized how much you did for our family, for me. You were the rock. We all depended on you in some way. What were we going to do now? Slowly, almost everyone was filtered out of the room. It was you, me, auntie Cheryl, Leslie, and Lynn. We all sat there waiting. What a cruel game to play. Waiting for the end. I was emotionally as well as physically exhausted but I couldn't sleep. Sleep would not bring me comfort. I sat quietly by your bed gently stroking your hand and humming to myself. The hours seemed to go by too quickly now. It was 6 a.m. I hadn't slept in over 24 hours. I was so weak and so out of it but I refused to sleep. I didn't leave your side all night and I wouldn't. Your hand never left mine. I talked to you and told you how much I loved you while everyone had fallen into a dreamless sleep. There was a constant stream of tears falling from my eyes. Like daggers slowly ripping me from the inside out. I had the blanket you had given me when I was little. Still covered in kaly's hair and smelling of your old house. The one thing that had brought me comfort when you were miles away from me. I wrapped it around my body and sunk into my chair. You're hand firmly in mine, never letting go. I drifted off to sleep. In my dreams there was a castle and I was trapped in the dungeon. Searching for a way out. There was no windows, no doors, and no hope. I sat in this dungeon looking for a glimmer of hope. There was none. I was trapped like some sort of animal. I started yelling. Crying out for someone. For help. I remember pacing around that cold dark room. Giving in to th thought I would be stuck there forever. When suddenly a bright light appeared in the corner. So beautiful and warming me to my core. Finally a way out. I was abrubtly awakened by my aunt Leslie. Tears in her eyes telling me that you were slipping. I looked down at your hand in mine and held on tighter. I looked at your face, then your mouth watching as the last breath escaped. The hold you had on me was gone. You were gone. I was all alone in my mind. I felt my heart beating rapidly in my chest. Painful. My body went limp and my face fell on your chest. I wished so hard that I could somehow pull you back to me. My body shaking, my heart breaking, and my world ripped out from under me. Everyone in that grey room holding onto you. Talking to you. Crying a river of tears that would drown us all. I let go of your hand. Gave you a gentle kiss on the for head. I remember saying " I will seee you soon, I love you." I would never say goodbye. Goodbye's are forever and I knew I would see you again. I walked out of that room like a zombie. My Phone clenched tightly in my hand. I had to make the call this time. Walking down the hospital hallway I see the faces of people who had no Idea. Smiling and hugging there families. They had no idea I was in my own personal hell. As I made it outside for some fresh air. Soaking in the the sun and the smell of the almost spring. Everything seemed so insignificant to me now. I wanted so badly to run. Run far away into the woods as I had done when I was a child. I didn't run. I sat down on the cement unable to move. I lifed up my phone and dialed the number. I don't remember what I said to my step-mom. I don't remember even speaking but she knew you had left us. I made a few other calls but to this day I don't remember who I even talked to.
<span> </span>I couldn't stay at the hospital anymore. I had to leave. I got into my vehicle and started the hour drive back home. I put in a CD that I thought would help take my mind off of things. Then the song Dear God came on. I listened to it and broke down into a million pieces. My vision was blurred by the onset of tears gushing like a flash flood from the blue eyes I got from you. Pulling over. I sat there screaming at God. Screaming at everything. Hating everything. I was filled with so many different emotions. I felt like I was going to explode.
I'm not finished with this yet. It's still a work in progress. This is the day my Grandma passed away. I'm hoping writing all this down will help me through life with out her. It's still hard everyday and I still think about her all the time. She impacted my life greatly and I was very close with her and my Grandpa. I've learned a lot from this happening. Always tell the people you care about that you love them. Do not waste time holding grudges or being mad at the people you care about. Forgive easily because in one moment they can be taken from you. you will never get the time back that you lost. Cherish every moment spent with your loved ones and don't take anything for granted. Life is too short.
The Pursuit of Happiness.
Do you ever wonder when your going to fall in love, snag the right job, or just have everything you need to be conent. We all do. Everybody has different wants and needs. What have you been looking for your whole life? I have a lot of time to think and a lot of time to ask myself many questions and search for the answers. For me personally; the one thing that I've always wanted out of life was to have someone to love and love me in return. I'm the sappy romantic type. I've been daydreaming ever since I was little about "prince charming." Hell, I started designing my own wedding dress when I was 5. Love has always been the one thing I've searched and waited patiently for. I know I have my whole life to find this person but I can't help but worry that he might not be out there or I've already ruined it with someone who was supposed to be my soulmate. I know it sounds sill because I'm only 21. It makes me sad seeing all these happy couples walking around, holding hands, and holding each other close. Why can't I have that? There is this special someone that I dated for about 4 years. I still love him with every inch of my being but I think I ruined that one. Good Job Tia! I just keep telling myself that whatevers meant to be will happen. Hopefully one day I will find Mr. Right or get Mr. Right back. Until then I'm on the pursuit of happiness.
i'm an idiot
I just turned 21 exactly a week ago today and It's been one rough week. I knew when I turned 21 I would be partying more but this? Fuck. Today I realized I need to pull my act together or everything I've worked so hard for this passed year would be lost. I feel like crap. I've done more stupid shit in the passed week. Then I have this entire year. I'm so over alcohol. It ruins great things and peoples lives. It's not even worth it sometimes. I have this friend. More like best friends. We've known eachother our entire lives. She can be quite a bad influence on me. I know I make my own choices but she doesnt help pushing me in the right direction. I love her to death, she is like my sister but the trouble we've been getting ourself into isn't worth it. I feel like a horribble person. I also realized this whole thing I have going on with a married man is fucking stupid as well. I have my ex boyfriend who loves me more than anything and I can't believe I was willing to throw that away for someone who only wants sex from me. I hope my ex can forgive me for all of the hell I have put him through. I am going to change for good and I won't fall back into the same pattern. I won't! From here on out I will be working to achieve something that's not destructive to my life. Wish me luck..
Monday, February 7, 2011
His blue eyes. They get me everytime...
I see you
you look through me
My heart it aches
for what could never be
My pulse races
Yours stays the same
Your smile weakens me
I only have myself to blame
I fell for you
Someone else captured your love
I feel bad for what happend
We cant undo what we've already done
Binded by silver rings
Telling her nothing but lies
She doesn't know what we're doing
Everytime I fall for your blue eyes.
I wanted to write a little poem about what I've been dealing with recently. I've been having a hard time dealing with it and it starting to really depress me. I met this guy about 4 weeks ago. He was perfect. Funny, outgoing, random, and everything. His ocean blue eyes make my heart skip a beat and make me forget everyone else in the world. What's the catch? He's married. He isn't old or anything. He is the same age as me but he's married to a stupid bitch. I know you are all probably thinking I should never have gotten involved with a married man. Yeah, I know that. I wasn't exactly expecting to get involved, let alone fall head over heals for him. Ugh. Here's how it went down.
One slow evening night at the mall. I was sitting at my desk minding my own business. When out of nowhere I look up and there he was. The first thing I noticed was his amazingly vivid blue eyes. Then next was the smile. Oh, he pretty much had me at hello. He asked me if I wanted to go out for a smoke and of course I said yes. We talked like we had known eachother for our entire lives. He made me laugh hysterically and he was so easygoing. I loved being in his prescence it made me happy to the core. After we went back inside he left back to the store he worked at. I found it hard to get him off my mind until the next morning when he showed up for another smoke. That went on all day. I would excitedely wait for him to come grab me for a ciggarette. Everytime I seen him my head felt dizzy and all I wanted to do was grab his hand. Sounds perfect right? Up until that evening when we went out for another break. That's when he decided to drop the "M" bomb. I was so shocked. I bet he could read it all over my face. I knew he had been flirting with me the passed couple of days. Wasn't he? In was so mad but he still kept on flirting with me. That's when he offered to come over and give me a masssage. I should've said no. I shouldn't have kept this going but I felt something for him I'd never felt for anyone. That night he came over. Wow, was I nervous. I got all prettied up and dressed a little more revealing then usual. Bad move. I know. Anyways, We put in a movie and started rubbing my back. At this point I had my sports bra and pants on. The dang sports bra got in the way of my massage. So, I just had to take it off. Yeah, it totally was on purpose. Then he started getting a little friend an rubbing close to my breast, then down my side, and lightly touching my neck and ear lobe. It felt amazing. I wanted him so badly to just grab me and take me right then. We layed down and he asked if i was a good kiss. I said I didn't know. Then he kissed me and pow! I was all his from that moment on. His lips fit mind perfectly and he touched me the way I wanted to be touched. He pulled my hair, choked me, and slapped my ass at the same time. That is what you call multitasking at its finest. haha We licked random sweets off of eachother and rubbed every inch of eachother bodies. He slept at my place and we cuddled all night. I was so sad to see him go the next morning but i knew I would see him at work in a few short but long hours. The next few days flew by until the night he came over again. This time it was so innocent. He told me it was cold and I asked if i could help warm him up. That was definately the right thing to say. He lifted me up on the counter and pulled up my skirt. I was in complete ecstasy as he slowly made his way down. He then lifted me off the counter and carried me to the bed where we had the best sex ive ever had. He had to remind me that i was did him better than his wife ever could or had more than anyone in his life. Also, that i was amazing with my mouth. I was quite pleazed. We didnt talk a whole lot after that night because he was having wife problems. I didn't push to see him or overly text him but as the days went on. I realized how much I actually liked him and how pissed I was when Id see him give his wife a fake kiss. It was nowhere near as passionate as the kisses he shared with me.
I know I should have never done that and it was horribe of me to do it but I couldn't help myself. I fell hard for him. I like him so much and i wish more than anything we could be together. It's really hard because I see him everyday. All I want is to be the girl that makes him happy everyday. Fuck. I always fall for the wrong people. I hope this all works out for me...
you look through me
My heart it aches
for what could never be
My pulse races
Yours stays the same
Your smile weakens me
I only have myself to blame
I fell for you
Someone else captured your love
I feel bad for what happend
We cant undo what we've already done
Binded by silver rings
Telling her nothing but lies
She doesn't know what we're doing
Everytime I fall for your blue eyes.
I wanted to write a little poem about what I've been dealing with recently. I've been having a hard time dealing with it and it starting to really depress me. I met this guy about 4 weeks ago. He was perfect. Funny, outgoing, random, and everything. His ocean blue eyes make my heart skip a beat and make me forget everyone else in the world. What's the catch? He's married. He isn't old or anything. He is the same age as me but he's married to a stupid bitch. I know you are all probably thinking I should never have gotten involved with a married man. Yeah, I know that. I wasn't exactly expecting to get involved, let alone fall head over heals for him. Ugh. Here's how it went down.
One slow evening night at the mall. I was sitting at my desk minding my own business. When out of nowhere I look up and there he was. The first thing I noticed was his amazingly vivid blue eyes. Then next was the smile. Oh, he pretty much had me at hello. He asked me if I wanted to go out for a smoke and of course I said yes. We talked like we had known eachother for our entire lives. He made me laugh hysterically and he was so easygoing. I loved being in his prescence it made me happy to the core. After we went back inside he left back to the store he worked at. I found it hard to get him off my mind until the next morning when he showed up for another smoke. That went on all day. I would excitedely wait for him to come grab me for a ciggarette. Everytime I seen him my head felt dizzy and all I wanted to do was grab his hand. Sounds perfect right? Up until that evening when we went out for another break. That's when he decided to drop the "M" bomb. I was so shocked. I bet he could read it all over my face. I knew he had been flirting with me the passed couple of days. Wasn't he? In was so mad but he still kept on flirting with me. That's when he offered to come over and give me a masssage. I should've said no. I shouldn't have kept this going but I felt something for him I'd never felt for anyone. That night he came over. Wow, was I nervous. I got all prettied up and dressed a little more revealing then usual. Bad move. I know. Anyways, We put in a movie and started rubbing my back. At this point I had my sports bra and pants on. The dang sports bra got in the way of my massage. So, I just had to take it off. Yeah, it totally was on purpose. Then he started getting a little friend an rubbing close to my breast, then down my side, and lightly touching my neck and ear lobe. It felt amazing. I wanted him so badly to just grab me and take me right then. We layed down and he asked if i was a good kiss. I said I didn't know. Then he kissed me and pow! I was all his from that moment on. His lips fit mind perfectly and he touched me the way I wanted to be touched. He pulled my hair, choked me, and slapped my ass at the same time. That is what you call multitasking at its finest. haha We licked random sweets off of eachother and rubbed every inch of eachother bodies. He slept at my place and we cuddled all night. I was so sad to see him go the next morning but i knew I would see him at work in a few short but long hours. The next few days flew by until the night he came over again. This time it was so innocent. He told me it was cold and I asked if i could help warm him up. That was definately the right thing to say. He lifted me up on the counter and pulled up my skirt. I was in complete ecstasy as he slowly made his way down. He then lifted me off the counter and carried me to the bed where we had the best sex ive ever had. He had to remind me that i was did him better than his wife ever could or had more than anyone in his life. Also, that i was amazing with my mouth. I was quite pleazed. We didnt talk a whole lot after that night because he was having wife problems. I didn't push to see him or overly text him but as the days went on. I realized how much I actually liked him and how pissed I was when Id see him give his wife a fake kiss. It was nowhere near as passionate as the kisses he shared with me.
I know I should have never done that and it was horribe of me to do it but I couldn't help myself. I fell hard for him. I like him so much and i wish more than anything we could be together. It's really hard because I see him everyday. All I want is to be the girl that makes him happy everyday. Fuck. I always fall for the wrong people. I hope this all works out for me...
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